Besides being a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) at Santa Clara University, I also received a Ph.D. in Human Sciences at the Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During this time, I published a book and several articles as well presented at national and international conferences.
Because Human Sciences is the study and interpretation of the experiences, activities, and artifacts connected with human beings, I have a more well-rounded view of psychology and the impact it has on people. Today I have my own private practice where I help adults, couples, families and teens cope with depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, relationship problems, PTSD and other psychological issues. Primarily I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) because of it’s proven effectiveness, and can provide therapy in Spanish or Portuguese as well as English.
Contact for a Free Phone Consultation
For a free phone consultation, please call or text me at 408-466-9168 or email
Selection of some of my published work in Human Sciences
- “The Owners of Knowledge: Professions and Professional Monopolies.” (Os Donos do Saber: Profissões e Monopólios Profissionais) Rio de Janeiro: IUPERJ/Editora Revan, 2001.
- “On the Nature of Professional Stratum.” (Sobre a Natureza do Estrato Professional). Dados – Revista de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro:IUPERJ, Vol. 39, nº.1, 1996.
- “Professional Elites: Producing the Shortage in the Market.” (Elites Profissionais: Produzindo a Escassez no Mercado). Antropolítica: Revista Contemporânea de Antropologia e Ciência Política, Niterói:EDUFF, Nº 3, 2º sem.1997
- “Rethinking the Proletarianization Theory of Professionals.” (Repensando a Teoria da Proletarizacao dos Profissionais). Tempo Social: Revista de Sociologia da USP, São Paulo:Edusp, vol.10, nº 1, maio de 1998.
- “Deprofessionalization, Proletarianization: the Fall of Professions?” Cadernos do ICHF, nº 2, nov./96.
- “Alienation of Professional Work?” Cadernos do ICHF, nº 64, nov./94.